Singing Guide: Emily Burns

Singing Guide: Emily Burns

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Emily Burns is a British singer and songwriter, known for her unique blend of pop and electronic beats. Her distinctive voice is characterized by a strong belt, breathy head voice, and delicate falsetto. Emily Burns is also notable for her relatable lyrics that often revolve around themes of love, self-discovery, and growing up.

If you're a fan of Emily Burns and want to learn how to sing like her, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

  1. First, work on your breath support and control. Emily Burns' singing style heavily relies on a strong breathy belt, so it's essential to master this technique. Singing exercises like this breathing technique from Farinelli can help you improve your breath control.
  2. Second, work on finding your head voice. Emily Burns' head voice is unique, as it is breathy, airy, and delicate. To develop your own breathy head voice, practicing humming exercises like the one found here. Also, try to sing scales with a breathy sound in your head voice, gradually increasing your range.
  3. Third, Emily Burns is known for her use of contrasting dynamics. One moment she's singing quietly and delicately, and the next she's belting out a powerful note. Focus on practicing dynamic control and showcasing these contrasting dynamics in your performances.
  4. Finally, Emily Burns' songs often emphasize a storytelling aspect, with lyrics that are relatable and engaging. Focus on developing your storytelling skills and conveying emotions in your performances.

To dive further into these techniques, you can check this range of articles specially selected from Singing Carrots:

For more specific exercises about the techniques used by Emily Burns, use these Singing Carrots resources:

Additionally, Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test can help you better understand your vocal abilities and where you need to work on. Check them out and start practicing with Singing Carrots' selection of songbooks and singing course!

Keep in mind that developing a unique voice and singing style takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent, and don't forget to enjoy the journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.